My simple implementation of PHP strip_tags()

aberba via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Wed Jun 28 11:08:12 PDT 2017

I wanted strip_tags() for sanitization in vibe.d and I set out 
for algorithms on how to do it and came across this JavaScript 
library at which is quite popular judging by the number of likes and forks. As a looked through, I didn't like the cumbersome approach it used so I tried to implement it in my own way. This is what I lazily did. It turns out to be so simple that I thought I could use some opinion. Notice I didn't add `tag_replacement` param but that's just like one line of code.

string stripTags(string input, in string[] allowedTags = [])
	import std.regex: Captures, replaceAll, ctRegex;

	auto regex = ctRegex!(`</?(\w*)>`);

	string regexHandler(Captures!(string) match)
	    string insertSlash(in string tag)
		assert(tag.length, "Argument must contain one or more 
	    	return tag[0..1] ~ "/" ~ tag[1..$];

	    bool allowed = false;
	    foreach (tag; allowedTags)
     		if (tag == match.hit || insertSlash(tag) == match.hit)
     			allowed = true;
	    return allowed ? match.hit : "";

	return input.replaceAll!(regexHandler)(regex);

	assert(stripTags("<html><b>bold</b></html>") == "bold");
	assert(stripTags("<html><b>bold</b></html>", ["<html>"]) == 

I'm not sure the tags matching regex I used is the best though.

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