Value closures (no GC allocation)

Vittorio Romeo via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Sat May 20 17:33:30 PDT 2017

Hello everyone, I recently started learning D (I come from a 
Modern C++ background) and I was curious about closures that 
require GC allocation. I wrote this simple example:

     auto bar(T)(T x) @nogc
         return x(10);

     auto foo(int x) @nogc
         return bar((int y) => x + y + 10);

     int main() @nogc
         return foo(10);

It doesn't compile with the following error:

     Error: function is @nogc yet allocates closures 
with the GC
   closes over variable x at [...]

Live example on godbolt:

I was wondering whether or not D could provide some syntax that 
allowed the user to create a "value closure", similar to how C++ 
lambdas work. How would you feel about something like:

     auto bar(T)(T x) @nogc
         return x(10);

     auto foo(int x) @nogc
         return bar([x](int y) => x + y + 10);

     int main() @nogc
         return foo(10);

The syntax:

     [x](int y) => x + y + 10

would mean "create a 'value closure' that captures `x` by value 
inside it". It would be equivalent to the following program:

     struct AnonymousClosure
         int captured_x;

         this(int x) @nogc
             captured_x = x;

         auto opCall(int y) @nogc
             return captured_x + y + 10;

     auto foo(int x) @nogc
         return bar(AnonymousClosure(x));

Which is very similar to how C++ lambdas work. This would allow 
closures to be used in @nogc contexts with minimal syntactical 
overhead over classical closures.

Live example on godbolt:

What are your thoughts? Has something similar been proposed 

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