D on quora ...

Laeeth Isharc laeeth at nospamlaeeth.com
Wed Oct 11 07:33:26 UTC 2017

On Sunday, 8 October 2017 at 04:23:50 UTC, Jerry wrote:
> On Saturday, 7 October 2017 at 06:19:01 UTC, Brad Roberts wrote:
>> As always, focusing on the users of the language tends to pay 
>> a lot more dividends than focusing on nay sayers.  Luckily, 
>> that's how things tend to proceed here, so yay for that.
> Doesn't feel like that when the views of the people in charge 
> don't align with what people are saying. I can understand 
> people's dissatisfaction with Windows, but some people take it 
> too far. The compiler for Windows is built using 32-bit, not 
> only is the 64-bit version not built it's not even supported or 
> tested. I think someone made a post a little while ago about 
> LDC that 95% or more of downloads for their compiler were for 
> the 64-bit version. If only one version is to be supported then 
> it should be the 64-bit version. I can't even imagine the 
> outrage there would be if 64-bit wasn't supported on Linux. 
> Hell, they haven't even bothered setting up AppVeyor for dmd, 
> free testing on Windows. Niche within a niche, can't expect 
> much I guess.

You know it's not that hard to be the change you wish to see in 
the world.  That's really the whole point of open source, or at 
least of at least reasonably or more free software - you're not 
at the mercy of a paid vendor to whom you pay a fortune for the 
favour of them closing or otherwise creatively ignoring your 
tickets.  You can pretty easily fix many problems and irritations 
yourself, and if you're too busy then one can pay someone to do 
it, and if one is busy and has no money to spend right now one 
can try to persuade someone to work on it. But if one just 
grumbles, probably the result will be just what anyone would 

64 bit command line build didn't seem to work for a while.  
That's been fixed recently, as I recall.  One can't really 
compare Linux and Windows 32 and 64 bit.  Those worlds work very 
differently.  Windows is as it is because they are fanatical 
about maintaining backwards compatibility.  So unless you run out 
of memory then 32 bit compiler isn't much of a restriction.  And 
if you are doing so much ctfe that you run out of memory, chances 
are you can figure out how to build the 64 bit compiler on 

Try using digger - might work now that the 64 bit command line 
build works again.  And failing that maybe file a request on 
bugzilla.  And I don't know but I guess if you contribute 
something to the D Foundation, probably - because it's still 
quite new - it will be easier to get people to listen to a gentle 
request to have a downloadable 64 bit compiler.  These things do 
cost money, and right now I think somebody is paying for that out 
of the goodness of their heart...

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