How to represent multiple files in a forum post?

Martin Nowak code at
Sat Feb 17 22:11:28 UTC 2018

On Wednesday, 14 February 2018 at 18:33:23 UTC, Jonathan Marler 
> @timotheecour and I came up with a solution to a common problem:
> How to represent multiple files in a forum post?

Oh, I thought it already was a standard, but 
[.har]( is JSON based and very 
different, so the name is already taken.

Have you done some proper research for existing standards?
There is a 50 year old technique to use ASCII file separators 
( Sure we can find 
some existing ones.
We recently wondered how gcc/llvm test codegen, at least in gcc 
or gdb I've seen a custom test case format.

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