Postgres and other database interfaces

Adam D. Ruppe destructionator at
Sat Feb 24 16:42:26 UTC 2018

On Saturday, 24 February 2018 at 15:44:49 UTC, Paolo Invernizzi 
> :-O
> Adam, you are the man!

worship me!

So I'm gonna tell you guys a dirty little secret: I intend to 
take the documentation throne by means of subterfuge. I've been 
generating docs for popular packages already but it has been a 
manual process (I, last night, did some hacks to better support 
gtkd than anyone else I have see: i'm about 80% happy with it.)

The new thing here is just a little program to automate that 
process when the URL is fetched. But it doesn't do versioning or 
cross-package referencing or a few of the other things I have 
planned.... notably, it also ignores the examples/ folders, which 
are a really useful source (and btw my doc gen web source viewer 
has go-to-definition omg!)

Still, it is fairly usable as-is and I hope it encourages people 
to do more dox. And I hope it gets them to use my syntax and 
features: that i 
may finally take the crown and rule the D-language area!!!!!!!!11 

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