Simple tutorials for complex subjects

Ethan gooberman at
Sun Jun 3 16:25:29 UTC 2018

Hey dlang community.

I've already been thinking in advance for DConf next year. If 
things keep going well for me, I may not have anything I can 
publicly talk about. So I've been thinking about what kind of 
capacity I can contribute to the conference.

The easy way would be to raise my hand for volunteering to be MC. 
I get good feedback about my humour and energy levels during my 
talks, and translating that to an entire event means I could 
probably relax for a change and not worry about making mistakes 
in my talk/actually getting everything ready in time.

Another thing that's becoming apparent though is that there needs 
to be more widely-available, simple to understand tutorials for 
the kind of work I do. There's Andrei's book, which is the first 
stop shop. And then there's Adam's D Cookbook. But I can't think 
of much else.

So. Being the kind of programming communist I am, I write 
something cool and think "I need to talk about this." Hence the 
posts I've made in here lately. But it also got me thinking. 
Maybe these kind of posts would make a great DConf talk. Or a 
website. Or whatever, I'm only coming in to this with the 
mentality of DConf next year.

This is something I've emailed to friends/posted to Facebook (but 
slightly sanitised so that the troll from Melbourne hiding behind 
a Tor connection won't derail the thread with "sex talk" 
complaints). It discusses stuff at a high level, with only a 
handful of specific examples. And I can go in to details. But 
keeping things understandable at a high level and using a bit of 
humour at the same time goes a very long way in my experience.

So if stuff like the following, but presented for a proper 
audience, seems like it'll be valuable, I'll add all these 
examples I'm writing to a presentation as I go throughout the 
year and submit that for my talk when the time comes.


I've been writing a client/server architecture. In D.

And I harp on about D, I know. But wow is it making things easy.

The kind of programming paradigms I'm using to get it down to 
"simple as pie usability" aren't widely known outside of the D 
community's best and brightest. But knowing what the language is 
capable of, I can just go ahead and do it and it works.

So you're a client and a server. Which means you're going to want 
to send and receive messages to each other. How would you do this 
in C++? Maybe an enum for message type so you can switch on it? 
Then some way of casting the data from the bytestream? And what 
about variable length messages? So rather than cast you need a 
proper deserialisation. Just send everything as JSON? Yeah, 
goodbye network bandwidth, but at least you don't have to mess 
around with binary.

The only method there that is low-maintenance for futureproofing 
is the JSON method I mentioned. And many people will stop there 
and be happy. But I'm not stopping there. I'm writing a gaming 
middleware, which implicitly means there's going to be large 
quantities of data I'll need to deal with.

So, how do you make maintenance a breeze when you write such a 
system from scratch?

Step one: All your messages are structs. "Value types" for you 
modern programmers.

Step two: Apply a user-defined attribute to your struct. I have 
ClientMsg for messages sent by the client, and ServerMsg for 
messages sent by the server. What if both client and server send 
the message?

@ClientMsg @ServerMsg struct Ping { }


Step three: Collect all messages from the message modules and 
stick them in a tuple. No need to register your message. It's 
done for you.

Step four: Filter that tuple out in to separate client and server 
message tuples.

Step five: Write a template that generates a size_t that hashes 
together the names of all members of any given message. This has 
the built-in benefit of loosely versioning your structures. And 
thanks to CTFE and collecting all message types earlier, we can 
check at compile time for hash collisions.

Step six: Serialisation of your structures starts out by sticking 
that size_t in a buffer, and then parsing each member of your 
struct and either copying in to the buffer directly or specifying 
a length before copying N elements from the array you've 
encountered. Deserialisation works in the exact opposite manner.

Step seven: In your receive function that takes a byte stream, 
put in a switch statement that looks a little bit like the 

switch( msg.GetID )
     static foreach( Message; ServerMessages )
     case ObjectIDOf!Message:
         Message deserialised = msg.FromBinary!Message;
         this.receive( deserialised );

Yes, we basically generate at compile time an entire switch 
statement from structures. This currently will generate a fairly 
inefficient jump table, but you know, we can add an indexing 
declarator to that foreach statement and let the compiler 
optimise down to a proper jump table with a little bit more 

Step eight: Anyone that wants to add a message to your system 
will now immediately get a compile error if they don't implement 
void receive( ref MessageType msg ) in their server or client.

Step nine: Oh, remember Binderoo? Yeah. It can generate a C# 
representation from all this. So I can keep my server highly 
performant and write a frontend that won't make people want to 
send death threats to the company's Twitter account.

I'm writing this code for my start-up tech company, so being a 
rock solid base that is maintainable will be a key feature for 
reducing time and maintenance costs in the future. And honestly, 
I'm an expert level C++ programmer these days and know a thing or 
two about a few other languages, and none of the languages I'm 
familiar with can make things as simple as "write a struct". 
Getting anything like this out of C++, for example, requires you 
jump language hoops and then give up and write an external 

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