Disappointing performance from DMD/Phobos

H. S. Teoh hsteoh at quickfur.ath.cx
Tue Jun 26 15:47:46 UTC 2018

When I see "DMD" and "performance" in the same sentence, my first
reaction is, "why aren't you using LDC or GDC"?

Seriously, doing performance measurements with DMD is a waste of time,
because its optimizer has been proven time and again to be suboptimal
(har!).  DMD frequently produces suboptimal code for things that ldc/gdc
easily optimizes away.  If you're doing anything where performance is
important, use ldc/gdc.

My personal recommendation is, use dmd for compilation speed and/or
latest features, use ldc/gdc for anything performance-related.


They pretend to pay us, and we pretend to work. -- Russian saying

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