It is the year 2020: why should I use / learn D?

jmh530 john.michael.hall at
Wed Nov 14 20:13:38 UTC 2018

On Wednesday, 14 November 2018 at 18:47:22 UTC, Dukc wrote:
> [snip]
> -stable and reasonably documented DIP1000 implementation
> -Dpp able to compile real-world c++ headers
> -ability to script web pages and call the Web API without 
> needing JavaScript glue code for that
> -generally more stable implementation
> - at nogc nothrow pure @safe containers that work with allocators 
> and const/immutable

A lot of the stuff that Walter seems focused on like DIP1000 and 
converting the backend to D seems like stuff that is very 
valuable, but doesn't necessarily have a big immediate payoff. 
More like an investment in the future with nebulous (probably 
large) payoffs down the road. That's probably contributing to 
some people's sense of frustration.

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