It is the year 2020: why should I use / learn D?

aliak something at
Sun Nov 25 12:38:42 UTC 2018

On Saturday, 24 November 2018 at 18:02:59 UTC, welkam wrote:
> On Friday, 23 November 2018 at 23:49:16 UTC, Walter Bright 
> wrote:
>> On 11/23/2018 4:59 AM, Chris wrote:
>>> Then there was the whole issue of string handling and 
>>> autodecode and the way the leadership / big guys in the 
>>> community dealt with it. I was of the opinion that such an 
>>> essential issue had to be fixed immediately (of course with a 
>>> proper path to fix it). I even offered to be the guinea pig 
>>> and document the transition. But no.
>>> Then there were the dreaded dmd updates. "Shit, what will 
>>> break now?" this question would be my constant companion.
>> Fixing autodecode will break about everything. But you don't 
>> like breaking changes.
>> What do you suggest?
> The real reason he is upset is because reality didnt match with 
> his internal view(expectations). This creates anger, 
> disturbance(dont know better words). Then "left brain" tries to 
> come up with reasons to explain this feeling and thats what you 
> get in his posts. Left brain coming up with reasons.
> People in neuroscience know for some time now that brain comes 
> up with possible sounding explanations that are not the real 
> reasons. Here are example from split brain. Talking about left 
> explaining stuff start at 1:16
> Another example from Sam Harris. 19:55-20:10
> If you want these kinds of post to go away start managing 
> expectation (almost impossible) or improve D (the thing you 
> already doing)

You guys do realize that when he said "Then there were the 
dreaded dmd updates." he was talking about unexpected breakages 
right? Fixing autodecoding would be a very welcome and expected 
breaking change. These are not contradictory statements. 
Paraphrasing it as "Fixing autodecode will break about 
everything. But you don't like breaking changes." is just 
twisting his words.

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