D Binding to GUI libraries

Russel Winder russel at winder.org.uk
Mon Oct 22 18:40:24 UTC 2018

On Mon, 2018-10-22 at 16:23 +0000, Gregor Mückl via Digitalmars-d
> It's easy to go and proclaim a strategic goal such as this. What 
> actually matters is execution. And that requires some serious 
> developer time that someone (ideally a whole team) needs to 
> invest. I don't see this happening without some equally serious 
> financial backing.

Agreed. And sadly a common facet of the D situation: all words and no
action – including from me.

> I, for one, won't have any time to work on such a thing in the 
> foreseeable future.

In principle I could, but only as part of a team. This is not a one
person project. 

> Does anyone have experience with bounty programs? I envision one 
> where bounties get posted with an open pool for each one. That 
> is, if you agree that one task should be done, you can put 
> additional money into its pool and make that particular bounty 
> more attractive. It won't help attract professional developers 
> but it might nudge some hobbyists to earn some money while taking 
> on an interesting challenge. This might work for all the small 
> things around D that lots of D users don't like and want improved.

I am not in a position to receive income, so I work for love or large
payments to charities I nominate. Currently I am a bit overly obsessed
with DVB and DAB+ using GStreamer, so mostly programming for love – and
hence very fickle about doing stuff that requires commitment. The
QtGStreamer has just been declared unmaintained :-(

Dr Russel Winder      t: +44 20 7585 2200
41 Buckmaster Road    m: +44 7770 465 077
London SW11 1EN, UK   w: www.russel.org.uk

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