BetterC is so much bugs, is Walter really use it in DMD?

test test at
Thu Oct 25 12:47:17 UTC 2018

import core.stdc.stdio;

version(D_BetterC) {
	extern(C) void main() {
} else {
	void main(){

struct Node {
	@disable this();
	@disable this(this);
	int _count = 0;
	this(int i){
		_count =i ;
	void add(){
	void dec(){

struct Proxy {
	Node* p ;
	this(Node* n){
		p = n ;
	~this() {
		printf("~this(%x, p=%x)\n", &this, p) ;
		drop ;
	void opAssign(ref Proxy other){
		printf("opAssign(ref this=%x, %x), other=%x, %x\n", &this, p, 
&other, other.p) ;
		drop ;
		p	= other.p ;
		p.add ;
	this(this) {
		printf("this(this)\n") ;
		if( p ) p.add ;
	void opAssign(Proxy other){
		printf("opAssign(this=%x, %x), other=%x, %x\n", &this, p, 
&other, other.p) ;
		if( other.p ) {
			p	= other.p ;
			p.add ;
	void drop(){
		if( p ) {
		p	= null ;

__gshared Node n = Node(0) ;
__gshared ThreadS s ;
Proxy proxy;

void start(){

void run(void* data) {
	printf(" ========> run.enter\n") ;
	proxy = runFiber(&n);
	printf(" ========> run.exit\n") ;

ref auto runFiber(Node* p){
	auto fiber	= ThreadS.getThisS.getFiber(p);
	return fiber ;

struct ThreadS {
	static auto getThisS(){
		return &s;
	ref auto getFiber(Node* p) {
		return fromPointer(p) ;

ref auto fromPointer(Node* p) {
	return  Proxy(p) ;

version(D_BetterC) extern(C) {
	__gshared int _d_eh_personality(int, int, size_t, void*, void*) 
{ return 0;};
	__gshared void _d_eh_resume_unwind(void*) { return ;};

with -BetterC
  ========> run.enter
~this(c7da5060, p=3e40030)
opAssign(this=b40574b0, 0), other=c7da5030, 0
~this(c7da5030, p=0)
  ========> run.exit

without -BetterC
  ========> run.enter
opAssign(this=ffd1ab60, 0), other=885b32f0, 8f8da960
~this(885b32f0, p=8f8da960)
  ========> run.exit

Take me 16 hours to find this bug,  Is your people really use it 
to build compiler ?

Really is a good way to waste time to use this.

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