Mobile is the new PC and AArch64 is the new x64

Claude no at
Mon Sep 10 15:06:46 UTC 2018

On Monday, 10 September 2018 at 13:43:46 UTC, Joakim wrote:
> Despite all this, D may never do very well on mobile or 
> AArch64, even though I think it's well-suited for that market. 
> But at the very least, you should be looking at mobile and 
> AArch64, as they're taking over the computing market.

Coming from ARM system programming for embedded systems, I'm also 
looking into AArch64. Having done some x86 assembly, ARM assembly 
was a bliss, and AArch64 looks even better!

I also wish D will do well for embedded systems. Most of the 
system developers I know program in C, and do very little C++ for 
it becomes unmaintainable (unless you enforce strict coding 
rules: like using it like "C with class" with very little 
template). C is straigthforward and gets the job done (ie. Vulkan 
- as a quite recent API - was written in C, not C++. So D would 
do so good!

That's why I think "BetterC" is a good strategic move (in the 
long run) even though I understand people coming from Java/Python 
background might not get it at all.

If we have a BetterConst (I'm referring to Jonathan Davis 
article: ), 
I think D would be even greater.

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