How to configure D autocompletion in Vim?

p.shkadzko p.shkadzko at
Thu Dec 26 18:38:23 UTC 2019

I'd like to set up autocompletion in Vim akin to VS Code "code-d" 
plugin which uses DCD server for completion. According to, one can use dutyl plugin for 
this purpose. I have installed the plugin as well as 
dcd-server/client, Dscanner and dfmt, everything that was 
mentioned in dutyl README. However, after starting the server and 
working on a D script I am not getting any autocompletion results.
Moreover, I simply don't know how to invoke dutyl autocompletion. 
Although looking into the plugin source code, I believe 
autocompletion should just work once you type "." or parenthesis. 
It does not. This is how my .vimrc set for dutyl:

let g:dutyl_stdImportPaths=['/usr/bin/dmd']
let g:dutyl_dontUseVimProc=1

If would be great if some D Vimers shared their setup or gave and 
advice on how to configure D autocompletion in Vim.

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