The issue with D...

Laurent Tréguier laurent.treguier.sink at
Tue Feb 5 22:18:56 UTC 2019

On Tuesday, 5 February 2019 at 20:15:55 UTC, sai wrote:
> Funny thing is after reading all these emails I am still 
> confused how to get vibe.d working on windows. Could somebody 
> create a step-by-step instructions with an example that 
> actually works? Pretty please? Thanks in advance.

On a Windows 10 VM I had lying around that should be bare, the 
following worked for me:
- Installing dmd for Windows from
- Not installing anything from Visual Studio during dmd's 
- Installing the Visual C++ runtimes 2010 and 2013 from 
( and
- In a command prompt, in whichever directory you'd like to work: 
`dub init --type=vibe.d hello-web`
- `cd hello-web`
- `dub run --arch=x86_64`

This seemed to be enough to have a Hello World on, 
I hope I hadn't done anything else I've forgotten.

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