The issue with D...

JN 666total at
Fri Feb 8 21:59:45 UTC 2019

On Friday, 8 February 2019 at 21:42:18 UTC, Ecstatic Coder wrote:
> I'm simply saying that nowadays many languages (Go, Python, 
> etc) which appear to be more "popular" than D come with 
> preinstalled web or gui libraries, and that **maybe** this 
> helps them in convincing people to use them for this kind of 
> development.
> Like them, D also has a very extensive standard library, but 
> doesn't see the interest in having some basic http server 
> classes provided by default, which I regularly regret.

Perhaps. But for example when it comes to GUI, Python only comes 
preinstalled with Tk, which isn't exactly the best GUI library 
available. Go doesn't come with anything. I think what these 
languages do better is messaging on what libraries are available. 
Rust notably has the are we X websites: . In case of Python and Go, there's 
usually a one defacto unofficial library for every usecase. With 
D it's a bit trickier. Imagine you want to use a XML library. 
First try - std.xml. But everyone tells you it sucks and even 
documentation says it's not the best. So you try external 
packages. You type "xml" in package search. That doesn't work too 
good: . After some more 
searching you learn about std-experimental-xml, dxml, kxml. 
std-experimental-xml and kxml I don't even know if they work with 
recent D versions. dxml seems to work, although I don't know if 
it's considered release ready already. Similar story for other 
libraries, especially json, or mysql wrappers.

I don't think having all that stuff built-in is an advantage, but 
knowing where to look definitely is.

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