non-global template fix POC WIP

Suleyman sahmi.soulaimane at
Tue Jan 22 22:26:14 UTC 2019

Hello everyone.

I started working on a fix for the non-global template issue.
Progress at

currently the following POC works:
struct S
     int m;

     auto add(alias a)(int b)
         return a + m + b;

     auto exec(alias f)()

void main()
     int a = 4;
     auto o = S(3);

     assert(o.add!a(2) == 4+3+2);

     auto dg = &o.add!a;
     assert(dg(7) == 4+3+7);

     int b;
     auto bSetter(int i) { b = i; }

     assert(b == 3);

     /* S.add instantiated to:

         auto add(int b)
             return main.a + main.o.m + b;

         thus only requires the frame pointer of `main`

The strategy is to access the `this` variable through the frame 
pointer of the caller.

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