[OT] Unity's HPC#

Margo margo at margotics.des
Sun May 19 01:45:07 UTC 2019

On Wednesday, 15 May 2019 at 18:43:38 UTC, Nick Sabalausky 
(Abscissa) wrote:
> Umm, no, you're not right. I use D for HTTP, and you'll find 
> that many people here do.

And that is the issue, is it not. A small group of people are not 
a reflection of a performance based HTTP solution.

> And I'd literally sooner kill myself than go back to suffering 
> through the festering cr*pfest that is PHP.

And yet, you are reading most of your websites using that 
"cr*pfest ". Its always popular to b*tch about PHP but it gets 
the job done. Unlike D that just can not get any traction because 
it keep spreading its resources left and right between C/C++, 
that very few people are interested in. You know that C++ has 
taken over most of D its advantages right? Rust is a better C++ 
replacement. Let alone the C alternatives.

> Switching to Go would be like fighting with one hand tied 
> behind my back. And Crystal...

> I don't even know that one, but a quick search shows it's not 
> even 1.0 yet, making it more than a little bizarre that someone 
> making the arguments you're making would suggest it over D.

Maybe because despite being pre-1.0, it actually performance 5 
times better then D? Its easy to judge a language on a label 
without trying it out yourself, is it not :)

Let me help...


Yea, D is really bad with vibe.d, when it comes down to web 

> You're not actually interested in making a real point, you're 
> just here to argue, right?

Tomato, Potato ...

I see mostly people here that are delusional about D its future. 
And as i pointed out in my post, there are simply better 
alternatives for anything HTTP related then D. If you can not 
handle this, ...

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