Feedback on Átila's Vision for D

FeepingCreature feepingcreature at
Fri Oct 18 12:48:52 UTC 2019

On Friday, 18 October 2019 at 12:42:42 UTC, bachmeier wrote:
> Moderation: Something all sites must do in 2019.
> Censorship: A government punishing someone for speech.
> There's no fear of censorship until Walter becomes the leader 
> of a country.
> Let's use the mailing list for its purpose, which is to discuss 
> the development of the language, not to complain about 
> moderation or engage in efforts to convince people the language 
> is hopeless.

I agree with you on matters of proper moderation, but this is a 
ridiculous definition of censorship that itself borders on the 
political. Because usually when one wants to define censorship as 
something governments do, it's because one wants non-government 
institutions to be able to censor people without being accused of 

It makes *some* limited sense in the context of "free speech", 
where many people genuinely mix up the human value and the 
freedom from government interference guaranteed in the US 
constitution. It makes no sense in the context of "censorship."

And I say that as somebody in favor of moderation!

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