DIP 1021--Argument Ownership and Function Calls--Final Review

Olivier FAURE couteaubleu at gmail.com
Wed Sep 18 12:15:11 UTC 2019

On Wednesday, 18 September 2019 at 11:18:30 UTC, Walter Bright 
> The smaller picture is that one cannot create a ref counted 
> objected that can safely expose a ref to its payload without 
> this proposal.

One cannot create a ref-counted object that can safely expose its 
payload *with* this proposal either.



     void foo(ref RefCounted rc, ref RefCounted rc2) {
         rc2.get() = 42;		// Whoops, memory corruption

     void test() {
         RefCounted rc = someData();
         RefCounted* rc2 = &rc;

         foo( rc, *rc2 );

Any proposal which doesn't have data flow analysis won't provide 
actual memory safety.

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