Reasons to use D (over alternatives like Rust)

RaycatWhoDat rmperry09 at
Wed Feb 5 16:29:15 UTC 2020

On Wednesday, 5 February 2020 at 05:32:42 UTC, Walter Bright 
> On the other hand, you can port borrow-correct code to D 
> without changing algorithms and data structures. In fact, I 
> recommend learning how to write borrow-correct code, and using 
> such as a matter of course. But D won't make you do it.

Thank you all for chiming in on that.

You've given me a solid direction on how to both address 
conversations of that nature and how to not worry about FOMO 
between programming languages (which I fear is the real crux of 
the problem). I will look into borrow-correct code as you 
mentioned, Walter, and continue to work with D because it's a joy 
to write.


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