D mentioned on Rust discussions site

Chris wendlec at tcd.ie
Wed May 20 10:07:49 UTC 2020

On Tuesday, 19 May 2020 at 11:38:48 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
> https://users.rust-lang.org/t/dlang-adds-a-borrowchecker-called-the-ob-system-for-ownership-borrowing/42872

"It is inspired by Rust's borrow checker, but it fails in 
comparison to it. It provides very little guarantees and does not 
prioritize safety. It is being adding (IMO) simply as a PR stunt 
as the current implementation stands."

""PR stunt" might be a bit of an overly negative view of things. 
I prefer to think that D is an on ongoing experiment in exploring 
language design in a genuine attempt to provide a programmer 
friendly, easier to use, safer, C++ like language."

Who wants to use an "ongoing experiment" to write real world 
software? That's to invite disaster. And worse than an 
"experiment" that might have a sound scientific basis, D keeps 
adding stuff at whim because others have it too, like children. I 
wonder why D hasn't gained the traction its users think it should 
have. Hm. There's a lot more to programming and PLs than fancy 
ideas. A certain rigidity and straight-lacedness is often the 
result of a lot of (creative) thinking and experimentation that 
takes place before a PL reaches 1.0 - not afterwards.

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