Inter-compiler portability of asm between gdc and ldc2 (and dmd)

Walter Bright newshound2 at
Fri Oct 2 22:01:53 UTC 2020

On 7/14/2020 5:26 PM, Cecil Ward wrote:
> I have a fair amount of code written in D which uses GDC’s syntax for inline asm 
> and currently it is therefore GDC-only. It would like people to be able to build 
> it alternatively using LDC as well, and maybe even DMD.

DMD's inline assembler syntax is what is used in Intel's CPU manuals. I 
sometimes wonder why other compilers don't do the same. It can be a bit wacky, 
but it's not that much code to implement and it makes following the code along 
with the manuals much easier.

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