Bug on C/C++ library to D, parameters suddenly becomming null or invalid

Hipreme msnmancini at hotmail.com
Sat Oct 17 18:03:45 UTC 2020

I found some really strange problem happening when trying to 
create a binding between
cimgui (https://github.com/cimgui/cimgui), which is a 
automatically generated binding from the main C++ project 

While trying to create a binding, everything worked until I 
wanted multiviewports.

The problem was caused by functions pointers members from a 

Inside the cpp code, I saw that the calling didn't change the 
viewport instance, but when arriving at the D code, the instance 
would be transformed in invalid.

The reference code I'm saying is:

Take a look onto


This line executes just correctly the viewport I just created on 
newviewport call from my D code.

While that line:


References some of the same viewports, but it strangely became 
invalid memory, while the line from getminimized are all working.

Things got even stranger when I compiled a DLL for not having to 
use my SDL implementation, only the OpenGL which I can't change 
because the OpenGL loader is the bindbc one.

This is a image from my debugger, where the program had break:


As you can see, viewport is 0x000000 while void* param has some 
While the c++ code did pass a viewport to the first parameter, as 
seem in:


This bug was mentioned in the cimgui repo, take a look as the 

I solved this bug by casting void* param to ImGuiViewport, so, 
the first parameter was actually null while the second would be 
actually the first parameter.

The func prototype is correctly declared, although is a struct 
with a member callback which is assigned inside some D function.
It is a lot to read, but this bug is really strange for me and I 
don't know what to do else

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