Using core.reflect to check for unused paramters

Stefan Koch uplink.coder at
Mon Aug 30 18:13:59 UTC 2021


I've just extended core.reflect's reflection to function bodies.

Which means you can now do fun things such as checking for unused 
parameters at compile-time.

If you checkout the core.reflect branch from my forks of druntime 
and dmd you can run the example code below and convince yourself 
that it works

import core.reflect.reflect;
import core.reflect.transitiveVisitor;
// import core.reflect.nodeToString();

int func(int a, int b)
     return a + b;
static assert(!hasUnusedParameters(nodeFromName("func")));

int func2(int a, int b, int c)
     return func(a, b);
static assert(hasUnusedParameters(nodeFromName("func2")));

bool hasUnusedParameters(const Node n)
     bool result = false;
     if (auto fd = cast(FunctionDeclaration) n)
         result = hasUnusedParameters(fd);
     return result;

bool hasUnusedParameters(const FunctionDeclaration fd)
     bool[const(VariableDeclaration)] parameterUsageList;
         parameterUsageList[p] = false;

     class Marker : TransitiveVisitor
         bool[const(VariableDeclaration)]* parameterUsageList;

         this(bool[const(VariableDeclaration)] *parameterUsageList)
             this.parameterUsageList = parameterUsageList;

         alias visit = TransitiveVisitor.visit;
         override void visit(VariableDeclaration vd)
             if (auto b = vd in *parameterUsageList)
                 *b = true;

     scope marker = new Marker(&parameterUsageList);

     foreach(v, unused; parameterUsageList)
         if (!unused) return true;
     return false;

I am aware that these block of code posts of mine are not the 
most appealing.
Please wait a little I will have more high-levels descriptions as 
the core.reflect prototype gets closer to a stable state.

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