Plan for D

zjh fqbqrr at
Wed May 19 12:30:18 UTC 2021

Perhaps, we should also be considerate of author D. perhaps, what 
we discussed, `D author`, has been discussed for a long time. We 
can't check all quotations of `D author`. Maybe he just doesn't 
want to spend time explaining.
I used to remember that `D author` told us just to do what we 
were interested in. Maybe,`let's just do it`.
Those who tells us to do `DC++` alone just want us to leave. They 
want to make `d`  `DC#`. No, we can't let them satisfy. We'll 
just improve it on `d`.
`D author` has been focusing on action rather than management. 
OK, let's do it ourselves.
`We can start with the details of where we feel uncomfortable`.
If we don't act, and wait for `d author` to lead us or give us 
directions. Maybe it will be `a long time`.
However, we still need to use `d`. Let's start with `small 
details` one by one. Don't wait for them. Let's just do it 

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