Phobos version naming

Guillaume Piolat first.last at
Thu Nov 4 00:25:09 UTC 2021

On Wednesday, 3 November 2021 at 15:37:05 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:
> I'd like to devise a robust version naming for Phobos. What is 
> the best way?
> Currently it's std.v2 but I'm unclear how it goes from there. 
> By semver we'd go with std.v2_0_1 and so on.
> Walter and others say it's better to have "std2" at top level 
> instead of "std.v2" nested inside std. I confess I chose 
> "std.v2" partially because it's easier to implement. But we can 
> go either way. What would be best?

My pick is stdnext.stuff

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