Is there an intention to 'finish' D2

Ola Fosheim Grøstad ola.fosheim.grostad at
Fri Nov 19 08:07:11 UTC 2021

On Friday, 19 November 2021 at 03:00:14 UTC, Adam D Ruppe wrote:
> aforementioned change. Personally what I want is a new 
> leadership structure, a steering group of probably seven, maybe 
> eleven, selected by D stakeholders on some term basis, probably 
> annually, who have authority to make whatever changes they see 
> fit. From there, they guide the language.

You need representation (diversity) otherwise you will end up 
with many of the same issues.

You also need a shared vision. Simpler or more features?

You also need to restructure compiler internals to get more 
people interested. So a merge is not realistic.

>  The process I propose is letting the steering committee 
> deliberate on them in a private forum thread, which is then 
> made public (but read only) after the decision is locked. This 
> decision can thus be reviewed without being bikeshedded to hell.

Look up Group Think. The road to hell is paved with good 

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