Rethinking the default class hierarchy: Milestone 2, Week 1

Robert Aron aronrobert293 at
Sun Oct 24 19:57:05 UTC 2021



Last week I managed to do the following tasks for #SAOC2021:

- started to reorganize the code
- implemented interfaces and mixins for `toHash`
- decided the order of PRs I must make next week (first I will 
add the `ProtoObject` class in druntime and after that I will add 
the code that makes `ProtoObject` the root of `Object` in dmd)

The plan for the next week:
- make PRs to [druntime]( and 
[dmd]( repos
- continue to reorganize the code
- prepare the next PRs - remove `__monitor` from `ProtoObject` 
and add a new class `SynchronizedProtoObject` (with `__monitor`)

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