I just created a dub package. Frankly, the whole thign is backward.

JN 666total at wp.pl
Tue Apr 26 11:00:26 UTC 2022

On Saturday, 23 April 2022 at 20:15:27 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
> Ho, you wanted to distribute a package? Well, now you have a 
> new build system. make was working great for you? Too bad. Can 
> dub run make? It doesn't look like it but who knows. I don't.

Does your makefile support other platforms than Linux? How about 
Windows? Makefiles aren't even native for Windows. I remember 
before dub came about I had to recreate the Unix-like ecosystem 
in MSYS/Cygwin just to have a chance to compile a D library. 
These days I do dub build and most projects compile with no issue 
on Windows.

Yes, it is limiting, and that is it's strength. With boundaries 
comes reliability and consistency. If I want to reuse a piece of 
code I want to dub add it to a project and start using it, not 
chase down dependencies and try to make its code structure fit 
into mine.

And the general practice seems to show it's the right approach. 
Cargo is a massive success in Rust and C++ is constantly trying 
to get their package manager story right.

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