I just created a dub package. Frankly, the whole thign is backward.

Adam D Ruppe destructionator at gmail.com
Wed Apr 27 20:56:12 UTC 2022

On Wednesday, 27 April 2022 at 20:38:53 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> There's a whole world out there beyond the fences of the walled 
> garden, just waiting to be explored.

Aye. I've written a bit in my blog about these ideas btw:

dub's problems and some general ideas for dub 2.0:

a bit more thought on fallback dependencies and system 

I think my topic next week might be more general, about how so 
many of the D stuff right now puts burden on library developers 
without benefiting them. Maintaining dub.json gives me absolutely 
nothing and is a bit of a pain to keep working. A lot of my views 
lately have just been reducing the cost - I already have a system 
that works really well, so I don't expect to benefit from any of 
these concepts. So I'm all about reducing the cost.

But there might be potential to actually give some return on 
investment if all this worked; I could make the postgres.d, for 
example, find a libpq or get the user to download it. (Though 
again, I kinda already can with runtime dynamic loading. But meh.)

The one time dub delivered a little was the android package and 
even there it limited me more than it benefited when compared to 
dmd -i. alas.

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