D tooling is disappointing

tastyminerals tastyminerals at gmail.com
Wed Aug 17 10:45:16 UTC 2022

_This is a longer than average post where I mostly express 
personal concerns about things that you probably heard 100 of 

Many of us use vim for quick scripting and if so, you know about 
handy [vim-dutyl](https://github.com/idanarye/vim-dutyl) plugin. 
If you're a MacVim user, you might already know about sad 
[d-completion-daemon status in 
MacPorts](https://i.imgur.com/qUtRpG3.png). There is no 
maintainer for the only usable D autocompletion plugin for Vim. 
Truth to be told, the actual vim-dutyl looks abandoned too.

I also use VSCode on Mac, it has a great **code-d** extension 
installed. But unfortunately, it doesn't really work popping up 
with notorious

> Could not initialize dub for 
> /Users/tasty/Dev/document-sender-app. Falling back to limited 
> functionality!
Cannot use dub with invalid configuration

Tried fixing it but without success. I had some issues with the 
code-d plugin on Windows some years ago too. Then it was updated, 
and now it works fine. The problem is that I use Mac for daily 
work and I love scripting, and I believe D is an excellent 
scripting language.

Now, here I would like to step back and just express that I am, a 
casual D user, is pretty sad by the state of the D tooling. It's 
nowhere close to much younger languages that have a decent IDE 
support. Now, I am confident that whoever works hard today on D 
is aware of this. And yet I think it is important to stress 
again, that great IDE support, autocompletion, and doc hints for 
such a rich standard library as Phobos are very important. It is 
the lobby, the entrance gates to any newcomer interested in 
learning the language. And we are not even talking about 
productivity gains that proper language support can deliver.

If someone asks me about current D language tooling, I would have 
to confess that it is lackluster. But, hey, some of us use nano 
to program in D, right?

Having read numerous posts about how D is not popular, the 
community is small, there is not enough people and such. I hope 
the people who invested far more than me into this great 
language, focus on something that can be achieved with the 
resources that you have right now. Because, you know, it feels 
sad to read dozens of comments about how better to implement some 
language feature in the upcoming DIP while looking at the state 
of its support in IDE. And let's not forget that D is >20 years 
old. I wish someone at DConf talked about this mundane, casual 
but really important problems that D has.

This is nowhere a critic to the tons of work that WebFreak001 
does, but rather feedback or probably an accumulated 
disappointment with things that I believe can be easily tackled 
with a community effort.

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