64bit only on Windows?

forkit forkit at gmail.com
Sat Feb 26 20:29:53 UTC 2022

On Saturday, 26 February 2022 at 14:45:08 UTC, 0xEAB wrote:
> C'mon. How many developers using D, are using Windows (where 
> OMF is a thing) in the first place. What a poor metric.

Umm.. in the 'real' world, I expect there are more developers 
using Windows, than either linux or macOS, and likely to be even 
more true for newbies.

> Additionaly, how many 'novices' are going to start installing 
> Visual C++ Redistributable, after seeing the error message, let 
> alone understanding what MSVCxy.DLL is.

Wow. It's easier to install buildtools (or VS) than D actually.

> I don't see how something you don't use, would create 
> complexity for you.

Well, the first thing I had to work out, was why D was creating 
32bit omf exe's!! Why does it even have a 64bit dmd.exe when that 
exe is not even in the path. Why is rdmd only in the 32bit 
folder...why..why.. why... that's what you'll be asking once you 
delve into things beyond hello world. I won't even mention trying 
to get your head around the build process (as I install/build 
from source these days).

In the end, if you want to 'get involved' in D, you need to 
accept all the outdated bagage that comes with it.

> On the other hand, I've not been given an appropriate solution 
> on how to build portable D apps on Windows yet.

Good luck with that.

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