Can't download dmd from

Don Allen donaldcallen at
Wed Jul 13 17:16:51 UTC 2022

On Tuesday, 12 July 2022 at 17:28:23 UTC, Peter Alexander wrote:
> On Sunday, 10 July 2022 at 20:03:56 UTC, Alexandru Ermicioi 
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Dunno in which forum section to write.
>> For some reason I can't download dmd from
>> Error I get is:
>> ```
>> <Error>
>> <Code>AccessDenied</Code>
>> <Message>Access Denied</Message>
>> <RequestId>SSD3MGPSTCKEWM2F</RequestId>
>> <HostId>
>> Lb0s/Ojm/8dwnt8j626CAEFQQTqPtJe4LfHQjEgrl2vG79hI/bpJszdISJVsHwiCzbzCiaUl3Hg=
>> </HostId>
>> </Error>
>> ```
>> For link: 
>> Note: seems like 2.100.0 is working as expected.
>> Best regards,
>> Alexandru.
> +1 - getting same issue

Yes, I just noticed the same issue. I tried installing on FreeBSD 
via curl and got 2.100.0. I then saw that the release date of 
2.100.1 is 7/15, two days from now. Looks like some kinks remain 
to be worked out.

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