Can D be used for operating system development ?

IGotD- nise at
Tue Jun 7 13:58:13 UTC 2022

On Tuesday, 7 June 2022 at 11:57:58 UTC, Sergey wrote:
> Actually there are LOT of different realisations.. not only 
> containers, but Core libraries. And as a end-user I have no 
> idea how all of them are different from each other.
> There are Mecca, Tanya, Hunt - core libraries.
> Emsi, ikod and collection-d containers.
> And of course there is the whole Mir world, with nogc and 
> betterC paradigm inside.

What would be really interesting is if D had a library 
specifically targeted for low level/operating system development. 
That would include things like intrusive container algorithms, 
lock less data structures and so on. Even better if these also 
could use the Phobos range algorithms.

Something that I think should be done with Phobos is to isolate 
the non OS dependent stuff such ranges, algorithms (must be GC 
free) so that it can be compiled separately. Today Phobos is like 
ball of thread where you cannot isolate the components from each 

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