Suggestion re the manual

Paul pault at
Thu Jun 9 23:13:06 UTC 2022

Hi Steven

GPP would not have been possible without D. We know this because 
we created a previous workflow system in C++. It was a painful 
slow slog to develop. Once you go with D, you can never go back. 
I would hazard a guess of it making us 10 times more efficient at 
coding, however I don't have hard numbers to prove this. Still, 
if anyone sees a demo of GPP, they would be shocked to find that 
it was created with such a tiny team. Previously, we came from a 
background of c, c++, PHP, Javascript, and some other languages 
so old I would be embarrassed to mention them (such as Pascal!) 
Our lines of code alone is reduced by at last a factor of 10 with 

And yet, even someone within our own team will question why we 
are using such an obscure language. "Why aren't we using nodejs? 
Everyone is using it." (It breaks me to hear that.) So, nothing 
would make us happier than to see D grow in popularity. Our wish 
is to see D reach out and draw people in. To make it easy for 
them to get started, without ever compromising the core vision. 
It really should be the next dominant compiled programming 

How to do this? I am the furthest from an expert. There must be 
examples to learn from, on how others have succeeded with 
inferior products. And how to avoid it being polluted by people 
who don't really understand the core reasoning behind the design 
choices? Always a challenge.

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