Suggestion re the manual

Guillaume Piolat first.last at
Fri Jun 10 00:22:53 UTC 2022

On Thursday, 9 June 2022 at 23:13:06 UTC, Paul wrote:
> How to do this? I am the furthest from an expert. There must be 
> examples to learn from, on how others have succeeded with 
> inferior products. And how to avoid it being polluted by people 
> who don't really understand the core reasoning behind the 
> design choices? Always a challenge.

Open source libraries tend to attract people to languages.
The more ecosystem we have, the more people can disrupt legacy 
People don't change their mind until you compete with them. :)

Also getting on Orgs-using-D page, filing bugs, going to DConf.
Telling your story like this is very inspiring!

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