Why is D unpopular

bauss jj_1337 at live.dk
Tue Jun 14 06:49:59 UTC 2022

On Tuesday, 14 June 2022 at 00:54:34 UTC, forkit wrote:
>> > And the
>> > 'friend' story rarely impresses them. The reply is always:
>> "Ok, 'friend'
>> > breaks OOP principles. Is D better because it breaks OOP in
>> its own way?"
> The 'friend' argument is a strawman.
> No D programmer would need to alter anything they currently do, 
> with the 'option' that I'm asking for.
> But a large number of programmers coming to D, will have to 
> change what they're currently doing - cause they have no option.
>> I find D's 'private' very useful and I doubt a single project 
>> had any problem with it.
>> Ali
> this is another strawman.
> the problem is not the d module, it's not having a choice.

People also completely misunderstand what we're asking for.

We're not saying the current design is bad, I like module private 
as much as the next person, BUT I would really like to have the 
option to have a stricter private for classes whenever chosen.

I'd rather have a module with couple of classes that are somewhat 
closely related, than many files with classes.

It's honestly easier to maintain a small amount of files, than 
many files. You end up with so many tabs in your editor too, 
where as a symbol list is much easier to skip to the necessary 

I really don't understand why people are so much against it when 
it can be added without interfering with existing code, but it 
surely will help.

Especially when you have projects multiple people work on, then 
it will help ensuring that someone in the future isn't gonna 
abuse it.

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