Adding a new design constraint to D

rikki cattermole rikki at
Mon Jun 20 09:43:42 UTC 2022

On 20/06/2022 9:30 PM, bauss wrote:
> It's just a too dividend topic and I don't think either side of the coin 
> is inherently wrong, it just depends on your usage of D and what your 
> background is, I think people coming from Java, C# etc. tends to favor 
> this change, where the opposite is true for people coming from C, C++ etc.
> I do however also think that enough is enough, clearly the dislike has 
> been expressed enough and at some point you just gotta stop complaining.

Most people don't care about it as a feature.

There was very little dislike being expressed in this thread, mostly 

It would pass if for no other reason than to stop this topic coming up 
in the future.

So yes, there is very much a point to do a DIP, especially when Mike has 
offered to give it preferential treatment!

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