Multiple modules per file

Dennis dkorpel at
Mon Jun 20 15:48:08 UTC 2022

What if you could just concatenate .d files?

You could write a file `pkg.d` that looks like this:
/// Helper module
module pkg.sub;

string name;

/// Main application module

import pkg.sub;
void main()
     writeln("hello ", name);

/// My package
module pkg;

public import;
public import pkg.sub;

And then this works:
dmd pkg.g

No new syntax like `module {}` or fancy tricks like 
`mixin("module x;")`, it would be as if the compiler splits up 
the file into multiple files as a preprocessing step.

Other files can only `import pkg`, since the compiler can't find 
e.g. `pkg/sub.d`.

### Why?

It's best practice to keep modules small, but it's not always fun 
to deal with many small files.

In many text editors/IDEs it's easier to scan through a file than 
a file tree.

It's also easier to distribute. Notice how some libraries use 
stand alone files for convenience: 
[stb](, [the SQLite 
Sometimes, your code *has* to be condensed to one string of text 
for a web IDE, like [codingame](, 
[](, or when just posting in 
the forums / bugzilla.

And, of course, the recent discussion about `private` to the 
`class`, where putting a `class` in its own file is rejected as a 


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