Exploring the philosophy of objects

forkit forkit at gmail.com
Mon Jun 27 22:48:35 UTC 2022

On Monday, 27 June 2022 at 12:18:10 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 
> ...
> Too long… Are you suggesting that he said that they don't teach 
> OO? OO is more tied to modelling/systems development than 
> strict Computer Science though. Computer Science is a «messy» 
> branch of discrete mathematics that is more theoretical than 
> practical, but still aims to enable useful theory, e.g. 
> algorithms. In Europe the broader umbrella term is 
> «Informatics» which covers more applied fields as well as 
> «Computer Science».

No. He specifically is against promoting any 'particular' 

His 'philosophy' of programming (like mine), is 'try them all' 
(or at least try more than one, and ideally, one that is 
radically different to the other), so you can better understand 
the weakness and strengths, of each. Only by doing this, can you 
put yourself in a position to make better design choices.

The talk (and his book) is about getting programmers to not just 
focus on code that works, because that strategy is very hard to 
stop once it starts ('tactical tornadoes' he calls those 
programmers, as they leave behind a wake of destruction, that 
others must clean up). This (he argues) is how systems become 
complicated. And sooner or later, these complexities *will* start 
causing you problems.

I think what he is saying, is that most programmers are tactical 

He want to change this.

The long-term structure of the system is more important, he 

He is saying that CS courses just don't teach this mindset, which 
I found to be surprising. That's what he's trying to change.

I like this comment from his book:

"Most modules have more users than developers, so it is better 
for the developers to suffer than the users.".

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