The problem that took him 5 years to fix in C++, I solved in a minute with D

Mike Parker aldacron at
Thu Mar 10 12:23:23 UTC 2022

On Thursday, 10 March 2022 at 11:50:05 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 
> Because negative advertising doesn't work, it is negative and 
> will be perceived as whining.

Advertising? This is a community forum, where community members 
express personal opinions. There's nothing wrong with discussions 
about the pros and cons of different programming languages as 
long as they're civil. I'm not about to tell people to never say 
anything negative about any language, including those same people 
who keep popping to remind us of D's shortcomings every time one 
of these discussions appears.

Yes, I understand that people new to D can see these forums, and 
that the tone of the posts here can influence their opinion of 
the language. That's one reason why the forums are moderated. But 
there's nothing wrong with the tone of this thread.

Discussions like this are perfectly fine, IMO. Every programming 
community I've ever been a part of has them. And I believe most 
people understand the difference between marketing and community 

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