The problem that took him 5 years to fix in C++, I solved in a minute with D

IGotD- nise at
Thu Mar 10 15:02:43 UTC 2022

On Thursday, 10 March 2022 at 06:44:47 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:
> The way I see it, C# 10 and C++ 20 have mostly catched up in 
> where D was 10 years ago, Rust and Go have found out a way to 
> push them into devs regardless of what they think about them, 
> thanks all those Cloud Native Foundation projects, Khronos is 
> slowly adopting Rust alongside C++ on some of their ongoing 
> standard discussions.

Funny how a positive thread about D could become so negative 

C# does not have any meta programming as for this date, only 
generics so that language doesn't apply (still C# is a good 
language in my opinion). C++20 might have better modelling power 
than D right now but I would say in practice D is still more 
powerful because the meta programming syntax is more accessible 
for the average programmer. Meta programming in C++ is still a 
kind of academic hair-splitting which also requires the 
programmer to spend a lot of time to learn and understand it. 
Obviously even experts have problems with it which this thread is 

I think that one goal for D should be, can you write a function 
then you can do meta programming. If you think that D meta 
programming has flaws and can be improved, then it should be 
discussed in a new thread for each suggested improvement.

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