Why is D unpopular?

Guillaume Piolat first.last at gmail.com
Fri May 6 14:02:40 UTC 2022

(first let's agree that I will not answer to your next message, 
so that our time is capped :))

On Friday, 6 May 2022 at 13:25:00 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:
> Go is primarily useful for web-services. If you try to do 
> something outside that domain you'll get into a rougher 
> landscape.

That doesn't mean if you have a webservice to write, that Go is 
the "best tool for the job". D could be very well be the "best 
tool for the job".
How do we know? By measuring.
Who decides what is the best tool for the job? It seems to be 
"hearsay" from what you are saying.
Have people made the comparison? It doesn't seem so to me. I did, 
for a limited domain, and it turns out D performs well.

> C++ is very difficult to beat for things like embedded, 
> simulation and computer graphics.

There is a good reason to start a new codebase in C++, and that 
is that the year is 2007 and you are into Transformers - the 
movie, it just came out.

No one that is born after Crazy Frog will ever want to maintain 
code in a language that deliberately ignores the developer 
experience, and the history went in the other direction - making 
things easier.
Of course the consultants will have lots of grey goo work to 
rejoice and loose sanity on.

> Faust is very difficult to beat for prototyping LTI signal 
> processing.
Yeah. But it isn't particularly useful.
I've never anyone from the audio industry say they use Faust, and 
I think DSP DSLs aren't a good idea. DSP is not even 1/3 of the 
products people use. (You will have noticed that Faust it can be 
implemented at CTFE in D even, so you can save writing a compiler 
and a backend, and get a D-man tattoo instead).

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