DMD 2.100, bring ont he attribute soup

rikki cattermole rikki at
Fri May 27 03:07:49 UTC 2022

On 27/05/2022 2:54 PM, Walter Bright wrote:
> But did your code have any memory corrupting bugs?
> If your code didn't, then nothing can catch a bug that isn't there.

It doesn't worry me that its not finding anything.

I tend to program pretty defensively these days due to it being good for 

My issue with it is that it has so many false negatives and they do seem 
to be by design.

Its basically "boy who cried wolf" type of situation. Most people would 
turn off these checks because it is hurting and not helping and that 
certainly is not a good thing.

I want lifetime checks to work, I want users of my libraries to be able 
to use my code without caring about stuff like memory lifetimes and be 
strongly likely to never hit an issue even with concurrency. I want the 
average programmer to be able to use my stuff without having to care 
about the little details.

DIP1000 so far does not appear to be working towards a design that meets 
these goals.

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