Why is D unpopular?

forkit forkit at gmail.com
Tue May 31 21:46:11 UTC 2022

On Tuesday, 31 May 2022 at 13:11:30 UTC, bauss wrote:
> I could use the exact same argument for D though.
> I have only ever used DMD and that has been true for like over 
> a decade.
> So for me D only has one compiler :)

No.I don't believe one can make the same argument for D.

Anyone interested in optimisation for performance, would not be 
using dmd ;-)

Whereas, it would be difficult for anyone to better (or even 
match) the performance of the Microsoft Visual C# compiler 
(csc.exe, not dotnet.exe).

Although even that compiler seems to have gotten noticably slower 
over time :-(

I can certainly make the case for why you'd want to use something 
other than dmd for compiling your D code.

I simply cannot make that case for the Microsoft Visual C# 
compiler (in my use-cases).

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