Why is D's GC slower than GO's?

H. S. Teoh hsteoh at qfbox.info
Wed Nov 2 18:12:39 UTC 2022

On Wed, Nov 02, 2022 at 05:37:59PM +0000, Imperatorn via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> Let's stop complaining and focus instead on making things better and
> keep improving D.
> It doesn't need to be big to count, just anything. Update the wiki,
> fix a spelling error, make sure information is up to date. Everything
> is valuable.

Side-story: when I first found D, I would run into problems and bugs,
and complained about them here in the forums.  Then I was told to file
them in bugzilla, so I did.  But things weren't going as fast as I'd
like them to, so I decided to take things into my own hands and started
submitting PRs. It doesn't actually take much to contribute to D; Phobos
especially is quite easy to read and understand (in contrast with many
programming language standard libraries -- e.g. I tried reading glibc
code once and almost got PTSD from it).  However, in those days the PR
queue was backed up, so that was slow going as well.  Then one day,
after complaining about the PR queue, Andrei suddenly granted me write
access to Phobos.  So I started reviewing PRs and pushing them through.
Since then, I've contributed to Phobos, druntime, dlang.org (the website
repo), and even a few dmd PRs.  I've also contributed to various other
3rd party D repos, primarily Adam's excellent arsd, and a couple of
other miscellaneous projects.  I'm just sad that these days I just don't
have the time/energy to contribute as frequently as I used to, but it's
still one of the most rewarding experiences I've had in the realm of
open source software.

So my word to other would-be contributors: just do it! Contributing to D
is not as hard as you might think. In fact, it's pretty easy, thanks to
D making your typically obtuse source code much easier to read.  A
random internet nobody like myself literally just walked into the room
out of the blue, contributed a couple of PRs, and was given the keys to
Phobos, so to speak.  It can happen to you too! ;-)

> Also, please try look at what the leadership is trying to do, and not
> just what they haven't done. They deserve way more appreciation, it's
> many hours of work and doesn't happen by itself.

And don't forget D was made (and still is being made) by volunteers,
other than Walter himself, and given to you for FREE.  The reasonable
response, IMO, is gratitude, at the very least. And contributing back
when you can.  Rather than making demands with harsh criticisms as if
Walter owed you something. (Spoiler: he does not.)


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