May I introduce `lazy with`?

Quirin Schroll at
Thu Nov 24 17:41:20 UTC 2022

[Enhancement issue 

In the discussion thread for DIP 1044, because Walter suggested 
adding an implicit `with (typeof(expr))` to `switch (expr)`, it 
occurred to me that `with` has an issue that makes it unsuitable 
for certain use-cases, including generic code, and that issue can 
be solved.

The essence of the problem is that `with (TypeOrExpr)` will 
prefer resolving an identifier `id` as `` whenever 
`` is viable:
with (EnumType)
switch (enumValue)
     static foreach (member; EnumMembers!EnumType)
         case member: // What if EnumType has a member named 
When `EnumType` happens to have a member named `member`, `with` 
will greedily take it and the loop will produce nonsense.

What would be useful here is a version of `with` that only 
resolves `id` as `` whenever `id` is not otherwise 
resolvable, i.e. as a last resort.

I’d suggest using `lazy with` for that construct. It is otherwise 
exactly like `with`. Its advantage is that it can be used in 
generic code and thus be implicitly added.

Were the `with` statement above a `lazy with`, the identifier 
`member` would always resolve to the `foreach` iteration.

Following Walter’s suggestion, a `lazy with` can be added 
implicitly to `switch` statements and declarations with 
spelled-out type:
EnumType e = enumMember;
// as if `EnumType e = EnumType.enumMember`, unless `enumMember` 
is in scope

int x = max - 1; // as if `int x = int.max - 1`, unless another 
`max` is in scope.
double myEps = 2 * epsilon; // as if `= 2 * double.epsilon`, 
Note that `with (int)` currently does not work.

What do you think?

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