Zig vs D generics

ryuukk_ ryuukk.dev at gmail.com
Wed Oct 12 15:21:07 UTC 2022

On Wednesday, 12 October 2022 at 12:55:25 UTC, Ola Fosheim 
Grøstad wrote:
> On Wednesday, 12 October 2022 at 12:24:05 UTC, Paulo Pinto 
> wrote:
>> C++ ruled the GUI frameworks tooling during the 1990's, with 
>> C++ frameworks being shipped with every compiler, nowadays 
>> with exception of Microsoft, there isn't an OS vendor left 
>> shipping a C++ GUI framework with the platform SDK. Qt seems 
>> to be the last man standing, and even them, had to turn into 
>> enterprise customers to keep their developers going.
> Computers get more memory, cores, GPUs and scripting languages 
> with JITs. For most applications it would make more sense to 
> use a JIT for the GUI. Not surprising that the application area 
> shift over time.

That's BS, and i am glad you are not the one responsible of 
making the iPhone i use

Look at Android, you need 2x the amount of power and ram than an 
iPhone for similar workloads

Nobody use computers anymore, except some nerds like us

People use resource constrained devices that runs with a battery

JIT is forbidden in games because it introduce stutters

It is forbidden in iOS because it drains the battery and it is a 
security nightmare

And as the games becomes more resource intensive and the gameplay 
loop shorter and shorter due to the popularity of high refresh 
rate screens, nobody will want a language that's slow with a JIT 
and a poor man's GC

The GC is debatable as we get more cores we can offload the GC 
work, but GC's like one D has is a handicap nobody wants, both 
Unity/Unreal offer a concurrent/generational one

It's no wonder D fails to grow, wrong analysis and wrong 

What the new popular languages promote? and why they gain 

Why people want to comeup with BetterC++ and not use what's 
already available

If we keep being delusional, we'll loose everything, and we'll 
die due to demography, who's gonna left to keep make the D?

D can't be javascript, java, c#, c, c++, rust, zig, typescript, 
lua, python, swift, nim, pascal all at once, what people say 
about this kind of thing? "Jack of all trades, master of none"?

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