A D vs. Rust example

IGotD- nise at nise.com
Fri Oct 21 10:36:27 UTC 2022

On Friday, 21 October 2022 at 10:19:13 UTC, matheus wrote:
> But I think people are missing the point of Don Allen, he 
> showed a snipped code and its simplicity, and for it seems it's 
> not easy to do in some languages, at least without changing a 
> lot.

I think the point is despite the example is very simple, it's 
required to have very detailed knowledge about the Rust compiler 
and its lifetime system in order to understand this problem. Sure 
you rewrite in some undefined "idiomatic Rust" but is it good 
language design when such detailed knowledge and order of 
statements is required?

D is in the other end of this spectrum, it swallows almost 

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