A D vs. Rust example

Don Allen donaldcallen at gmail.com
Fri Oct 21 20:11:18 UTC 2022

On Thursday, 20 October 2022 at 15:33:06 UTC, rikki cattermole 
> On 21/10/2022 4:25 AM, Don Allen wrote:
>> Where I do think D would do well by emulating Rust is in the 
>> area of helpful compiler warnings: noting unused variables, 
>> constants and imported symbols, pointing out unnecessary 
>> parentheses, etc.
> IDE's such as IntelliJ IDEA (D's plugin) call Dscanner all the 
> time to verify code and get warnings.
> So in practice this shouldn't be an issue.

In my experience, it is an issue. dub lint does not warn about 
unused imports or unused constants, for example.

I also don't use an IDE, unless you consider nvim an IDE. And I 
don't use dub to build my code (I'm open to it, but I've found 
the documentation thoroughly inadequate), so using its lint to 
check my code is more than a bit of a pain.

So for me, the D existing tools to statically evaluate code in a 
manner similar to the Rust compiler are just not where I would 
like them to be.

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